Thursday, March 31, 2005

MITCH HEDBERG (02/24/1968-03/30/2005)

Rest in freakin' peace, man.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005


(Someone please take pity on my soul and buy me one of these...)

Tuesday, March 29, 2005


Q: Did Kelley actually take the time to e-mail Hugh Laurie and ask him (most graciously) to attend her Senior Prom? Could anyone be so very senile?
A: Yes. And yes.

But on the bright side, I found a reasonable dress.
("Reasonable" serving the purpose of a more vulgar, deceptive turn of phrase that would lend this blog into wayward, "blog of the streets" sort of diction. I simply refuse to go there at this point in time.)
One thing I will not refuse is our annual Dinner With Don Jones at Florida State Thespian Competition 2005. Why would I? D.J. is a god, and a darn good waiter as well.
Can you tell that I'm ready for a week off? Maybe? Yes?
I certainly hope so; otherwise, I've completely wasted your time.
Ha, ha!

Friday, March 25, 2005


Laurie on Leno = Absofrigginlutely Amazing.

Thursday, March 24, 2005


Here's one senior who's making the most of her Spring Break Experience:
Example I- I spent the afternoon with my family.
Example II- I spent the afternoon with my family, in the hospital.
Example III- I spent the afternoon with my family, in the hospital, with doctors looming wearily overhead, questioning the fate of Kelley upon this dear old planet earth.
Lots of fun, I promise. With Go-Karting to follow.
Needless to say, I have a ridiculously high tolerance for needles, testing, observation, etc., so this afternoon bothered me not in the slightest. However, if I had been without those productive mental build-ups, I might be facing utter lunacy. Absolute insanity. And not the good kind.
We'll find out more later, I suppose. But for now, I have little emotion running through my thoughts. At all. Really.
I need some help.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


I've already completed a list of four rather obscure endeavors I had hoped to do over my Exhilarating Spring Break.
(Read: I've done four incredibly stupid things.)
Would you like to know of my shortcomings, dear Blog Who Cares Little For My Existence? Here you go:
-I found a date to my Senior prom.
-I changed my appearance in a manner whose productivity has yet to be determined.
-I've fallen in love with an actor.
-I realized that I have no friends left to spend a week with. Fun.
Dear Lord, I wish I was making them up. I wish I had never been fool-hardy enough to fall into that pit, but lo and behold, I did. Whoopee.
Nothing is making sense, but I've been long awaiting the breakdown. Things were becoming far to happy to sustain themselves...I suppose I tricked myself into thinking they might actually care enough to stay that way.
My mentality is alleviated in comparison to earlier this morning, but knowing me, that doesn't say much. It's like SAD, except, instead, it's HAD.
And that's why they call me a Titan of Psychology.
(Yes. Because I'm insane.)

Monday, March 21, 2005


Alright, I give in.
After a few weeks of absolutely thoughtless blogging, Spring Break has arrived, and I can once again become desperate and lonely.
Hoorah! Yippie! She has returned!
I've spent a great many days fighting for my sanity, and far fewer to return away from it, making this (ultimately) the greatest struggle in my young existence.
"Sweet," I feel, would be appropriate.
I haven't slept on my own bed for six nights, I can't even step into my room without feeling nauseous. I don't know what it is. I think I've grown up- or in this case, over- without definitely realizing it. I'm scared beyond any recognition, I can't write, my mind feels so ridiculously cluttered that I've lost the ability to shovel through the crap and find my way to the surface.
I'm finished with my typing- it's doing absolutely nothing for me.

Friday, March 18, 2005


sean campbell hit me in the head. his wife's mom is a ninja. we're going to buy jesus candles. don't be jealous! I want to eat lunch with a senator(!)

I've learned that if the Chinese don't eat chicken to the BONE, they get gochoked.


I took a very long nap.
I just woke up a moment ago, and to my surprise, none of my Advanced Placement Literature work had done itself for me! What great astonishment I was in as "Digging" lay untouched, unwritten, and even more baffling, unwanted by any member of the human race.
[Editor's Note: Boo-freaking-hoo, Seamus Heaney. Let me know when you write something that doesn't sound more Irish than St. Patrick's Day, okay?]
So, I must take it upon myself to work my freaking end off in order to prepare myself intellectually and mentally for the mother of all Comprehensive Tests.
But I want to go back to sleep. Egad, I am still exhausted.
It's too bad I won't be able to focus in AP Economics tomorrow. Poor Coach Caughell! I should apologize to him at this very instant for not paying attention during his class, taking calls, emailing athletic organiz---
Oh. Wait a second. That's not me; that's Caughell.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005



But can you blame me?

Sunday, March 13, 2005


"I look preeety sweet, eh Steve?"

I'm also wasting time.

Thursday, March 10, 2005


Dare I run the risk of such weakness?
I feel as though I should be ignited with energy, fervent and bouncing off the walls and whatnot. Instead, I sit disheveled and exhausted beyond any inhumane degree.
What shall become of this rugged exterior of mine, fighting against conditions I had no expectation of?
Who knows?
But I'm sleepy, and that's what matters.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005


Can I help it if I've wasted weeks of valuable writing time in order to complete my senior year of high school with passing grades? And now, my scholarship essays are the most due they shall ever be, and here I sit, trying desperately not to think about them.
Still on the plate:
"Qualities Of Leadership"
"Statement Of Purpose"
"Give Us Your Money"
I've gotten pretty far on the last one, yet I find myself struggling with the remaining two. Egad.
Alright. I'm going to attempt to focus (once again) on these banes of my existence.
But tomorrow, they will be gone, and I will be able to devote myself to luxur---classwork.
There is truly no rest for the weary. And the procrastinators.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


Without much trepidation, I consider myself a unique individual: I am outspoken and ambitious, yet the Myers-Briggs definition of an introvert. Passions of my existence include more than a few "normal teenage" idiosyncrasies, including (in no particular order) show tunes, classical literature, grammar, and juggling. Slowly, and without my permission, writing has leapt up and become one of the true joys of living, and I aspire to babble in the traditions of Dave Barry and other tactless specimens at some far away point in time. (In a rather desperate attempt to further my journalistic career over the summer, I applied to a sports-writing institute through The Orlando Sentinel, where I was promptly informed that I was ranked eleventh out of their ten winning finalists, and the only of fifty applicants without "previous athletic experience" beyond 'marathon writing'.)

Much to my own introverted dismay, I have forever felt a calling to leadership, be it within a church, peer, or academic community. My parents, youth ministers with the Catholic Church from before the days of my livelihood, had long ago implanted deep within my mind the seeds of humanitarian productivity, and the innate draw towards service, something which thrives ever more vehemently inside me today. I credit my persistence to those two noble beings, as well as the insight of several extremely motivational and influential advisors. Through their aptitude and guidance, I have great desire to make something out of myself, and more importantly, assist society at large. Exactly how I plan on doing so, I am, honestly, not sure.

But, I think that's where Flagler steps (rather precisely) into the picture.

Theatrically speaking, I have spent years technically entangled, directorially seated, and in a Stanislavski state of mind. I feel a great awareness of myself as a "theatre geek," yet I know the mental and spiritual development my work in the theatre has brought about in my life. To be on the stage is a dream, but overshadowed magnificently by the desire to influence, direct, and guide. I know the opportunity provided through Flagler's "well-rounded" theatrical curriculum is precisely what I need to attain those goals.

I have always been drawn to communities of rich culture, historical significance, and vitality that simply cannot be found in a majority of collegiate settings. For me, the city of St. Augustine and Flagler College offer me a grand combination of all three. Living on the outskirts of Orlando for the past seven years has given me a genuine appreciation (if not toleration) for the excitement of a tourist population and transient lifestyle, and both of those elements have become increasingly attractive to me, promising a college experience that will be familiar, yet new and exciting, as well as educationally enriching. (To this day, my few career goals happen to include guiding a "Ghost Tour" along St. George Street. Immature? Perhaps; but who wouldn't want to gallivant in costume, carrying an enormous lantern?) The vibrancy of St. Augustine is a rarity indeed, and, coupled with the majesty of the Flagler campus and the inviting array of curriculum in theatrical, English, and theological studies, is an educational opportunity one such as I cannot bear to pass up.

I genuinely hope that I shall be given the opportunity to explore, grow, share, and enrich the Flagler College community in the coming years.

Sunday, March 06, 2005


What a waste of seven John Travolta Dollars.
Highlights of the film included Andre's sophisticated performance ("That is not gangsta, Dabu! That is so not gangsta!"), watching Robert Pastorelli's posthumus performance, and sitting in the most utter of all confusions, trying desperately to decipher what this film had to do with anything.
It was a success, by far.