Sunday, August 17, 2008


Hundreds of different thoughts have made up the mental framework of this soon-ending Summer Vacation (lest we even dare to call it a "vacation"). I have several dates protruding from my mind that garner some significance. Having not written about them in real-time, I might as well mark them down in my little scrapblog that could:

June 13th-15th: The Tony Awards. All that entailed, and more.

June 20th: Final day of Summer Semester, and the first "top of my class" semester in every course. (Yes, it's my writing. I will brag. Suck it, Jesus.)

June 29th: Project: Apartment (Temporary) Relocation. Take one.

July 25th: The end of something. Something of magnitude. I have no idea what other words accurately situate what anything is in the realm of this something. But it is no longer.

July 27th-29th: Family Disney Magical Time. And, Ikea with Elise.

July 29th-31st: NEW APARTMENT MOVE-IN! Probably the most exhausting few days, yet the wonderfully rewarding feeling of being in a comfortable, enjoyable space that belongs solely to me and a gay.

I fully understand and comprehend that the entirety of August up until this point is missing, yet I have witnessed no landmarks along the way that signify dates of importance. Should my past suddenly alter, I will be sure to make accommodation within this post.