Sunday, June 22, 2003


I spent over an hour last night, reading, re-reading, and crying over the last three chapters of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, therefore allowing me to regin supreme in my quest for the title of Universe's Biggest Loser...
Of course, by me crying and feeling more torn up than should be humanly allowed, I'm most certainly not implying that my favorite character in the series was viciously murdered...Of course not...That would be silly...
I'm so sad.
And now, I'm waiting for one of my moronically-slow-reading friends (Although I'm not implying that any of them are moronic or slow reading, just that I am the worlds biggest pain in the extremities now that my life is over as a result of the death of a fictional character...) to finish the novel so that I can adequately cry on someone's shoulder...
I want to die...
"And then I can be with..."

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