Thursday, July 17, 2003


I had to drop my Honors Physics to a Big Bad Standard level so as to get all the classes I need for graduation and/or my own sanity...
What a world, what a world, what a cruel, cruel world...
We had a racoon eat all of our cat food last night...No, silly, not the cat food that I eat, the cat food for my three cats...Two cats and a dog...Something like that. But besides that, I think it's a true lesson in compassion and care for all our furry bretheren...I mean, as far as I'm concerned, I don't really feel the need to lock all our doors, scream "BLOODY MURDER!", and sing Kumbya-ya-ya-ya in a neatly piled circle of bodies...The rest of my family does, of course, but I choose to be exempt from that massive brain hemmorage of a collective...
Ooh. Descriptive...
I've been thinking recently about guys and how I relate in their coenciding existance...I don't really want a guy. I don't really need a guy. But I'm bored...Of course, I don't want an idiot, either...Which means that I need to buy a dolphin or a small yet to scale version of Steven Hawkings...But I think the dolphin would work out a little better...Who wants to argue with a guy so smart he could break down your genetic make-up, and find ten-millio-second ways to call you a llama or other repressive foreign creatures in no less than sixty languages...
I'm not even going to validate my response with some sort of justification.
I'm just going to sit here, letting you vainly twiddle your thumbs or other non-opposable fingers...
La, la, la...

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