Saturday, September 04, 2004


1. Talked to the Bishop yesterday. He said, "hey, I remember you, but I have no idea who you are." That was basically the extent of our conversation.
2. Bought forty dollars worth of used scripts and librettos this evening. Six-piece Christopher Durang collection was the top seller at $2.00; I should have put up more of a fight.
3. Covered my room in blankets, comforters, towels, and anything else that was willing to spread over tangible surfaces, namely, every square inch of my room.
4. Drove down to St. Petersburg. Which should go before #2, as should #3. Who cares?
5. Watched two people struggle with the pronunciation of "Antigone." I didn't care to help.
6. Sat on the beach, wind passing across my face, thinking desperately about life in general. Lack of revelation to follow.
7. Ate my share of Pistachio Pistachio ice cream, which is, indeed, as disgusting as it sounds.
8. Found a Bill Clinton doll that was slumped over the edge of a countertop. Obviously from a heart attack.
9. Whipped out my "Tipper Rocks!" drum and hit it for desired effect.
10. Typed up a sorry excuse for an entry to provide insight into the going-ons of life at the moment. Really crappy. Soon to be deleted.

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