Tuesday, March 29, 2005


Q: Did Kelley actually take the time to e-mail Hugh Laurie and ask him (most graciously) to attend her Senior Prom? Could anyone be so very senile?
A: Yes. And yes.

But on the bright side, I found a reasonable dress.
("Reasonable" serving the purpose of a more vulgar, deceptive turn of phrase that would lend this blog into wayward, "blog of the streets" sort of diction. I simply refuse to go there at this point in time.)
One thing I will not refuse is our annual Dinner With Don Jones at Florida State Thespian Competition 2005. Why would I? D.J. is a god, and a darn good waiter as well.
Can you tell that I'm ready for a week off? Maybe? Yes?
I certainly hope so; otherwise, I've completely wasted your time.
Ha, ha!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Werent we suppose to go to prom together, or is that just if we don't have dates OR am I just thinking crazy talk.