Tuesday, December 27, 2005


I hate the fact that I've finally found people in my life who demand me to miss them. Not that they demand it of me, but I demand it of myself, as though they all possess the power to tango frantically with my emotions and somewhat lack of control over them.
I miss so many people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, Kelley. Why must you feel the need to refer to me as "them" and "so many people"? Anyone who reads this entry knows that you are only speaking of me and no one else. Without me, your life would be dark and cold and sad. And there would be bugs. Biting ones.

Sorry, people. Kelley does not miss you in the slightest. She only misses me.

Might as well suck it up and admit to Michael THAT HE CAN NEVER, EVER HOLD A CANDLE TO THE BRILLIANT AMOUNTS OF LOVE AND ADMIRATION THAT YOU HOLD FOR RACHEL M. And tell him to stop looking at my eye while you're at it.