You better freaking believe it.
Monday, we were lazy. Get over it.
Tuesday was an all-day-palooza at the Shawnee Playhouse. I read a book, and it was lovely. The end.
Wednesday, praise Jesus, was lazy. Deal, be-otches.
Thursday we had yet another all-day-palooza at the Shawnee Playhouse. I hung and sorted and cleared to my heart's content, and then I did not. 'Tis as simple as that.
Friday led me into the grand land of Harrisburg, where I attended a college graduation and ate crappy food with my dearest love, Annie. And then, of course, a little drinking.
Yesterday was spent tromping around Dorney Park (which, luckily for me, is basically Snoopy-dominated). It was easily one of the best days I've had here in PA, despite the fact that I am completely devoid of energy and/or funding from here on out in my stay.
Today was time spent in The City. "Time spent" does not exactly constitute "time well spent," but that's simply my burden to deal with. And then, there was a little drinking.
In remaining ambiguous, I hold power. Tee hee.
And tonight, I sleep for hours and hours on end. Possibly days. Maybe months.
Actually, just hours. That works.
Just because I do not use the word zazzle does not mean that I am ignorant nor does that make you better than me. Just so you know (or "are informed").
Who the hell cares?
I never said that I was better than you.
I like the word "zazzle."
It's a catchy title.
Deal with it, stupid-head.
why do you write about stupid stuff? Is that your life or are you making it up?
Everything on these pages are one-hundred percent falsified. I make up everything. Including the fact that you commenting on something you find offensive or stupid just makes you the most ridiculously ignorant person on earth!
Again, entirely false.
Find some new reading material, Miss Hand.
This is a different person than before simply commenting that I have met you and you make me sick.
Then let me buy you a bucket to catch your vomit.
And get a life. Why waste your time on me if I make you sick? Sounds kind of sad and pathetic to me.
And get some balls, Anonymous. Own up, or shut up.
ok. this is anne bitch.
Anne who?
See, there was no comment between Anne and Bitch which leads me to believe that she is implying that her last name is Bitch.
Or perhaps her middle name...
Anne Bitch.
I think I'll name all my children that.
Oh, woe on the poor souls who have nothing better to do than read and comment on a journal belonging to someone that you dislike.
Get a life, Anne Bitch. You can have half of mine if you'd like, because I've got too much on my plate anyway. It's your prize for being a dumbfuck. Congrats.
So, how's the Cirque Du Soleil?
first off "rachel" the word is comma, not comment. second off, im not even going to waste my time.
In typing that, it looks as though you already have.
And, as a sidebar, if this is Anne Bransford (Oops! I used your real name! How silly of me!), I will laugh my proverbial and literal ass off.
Because I disgust you.
If deleting me from your MySpace friends is a blantant attack on my character, I can't wait to see what you would have done next.
No, I meant "comment". I have a thing about using the word, "comma" on the internet. It's against my morals.
Well, shit. Now I have to go kill myself.
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