Saturday, July 29, 2006


Believe it or not, that is an issue I'm currently trying to battle through.
I am forced to demand of myself the sort of arrogance that allows me to deem this self-destructive tribute to my ambitions I call "summer break" as something less than the ultimate waste of my gifts as a human being.
I dictate thoughts on a rather infrequent basis as it is, but something inside of me deems it worthy.

I think I have the tendency to come across as an ass. I'm not considering the idea that I genuinely am an ass, simply because I realize that it's so finite in my mind that it can't even be an option worth consideration. But something in me, the part that demands me to make something more of this miraculous time (for, in honesty, that's all that time can be) begs me to fight for life that doesn't leave me lonely and, well, ass-like in disposition and character.
I don't know how successful I'm ever going to be in that particular exploit.
But, I suppose it doesn't really matter.

I'm just going to do my god-damned best.
I think that has to be good enough.

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