Friday, September 01, 2006


I've finally garnered a few moments to transcribe my thoughts, feelings, or even understandings of the past days.
And, of course, I'm absolutely clueless of what to say.
I am, as was expected, exhausted, but I'm also enjoying the company of some of my favorite people ever, and that, in itself, has left me buoyant and joyful enough to compensate for any discrepancies.

My preparation for speech (at this moment) consists of [title of show]-ing myself to death, playing a speed round of sudoku, and watching as roomie decorates her span of the pad. She made me coffee this morning, which was one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me at ten AM. Thanks, roomie.

I am unbelievably thankful that today is Friday. Perhaps that shows a sign of weakness, seeing as we're roughly three days into the semester, but I'd like to think of it as a willingness to invigorate myself in preparation for the intense learning ahead.

Intense learning. Ha. That should be a contact sport, a la dodgeball.

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