Friday, March 09, 2007


There are moments this year when I've not known what life expects from me. I feel frantic to put together some semblance of what my life will be, should be, is supposed to be.
In one sense, my restlessness is all in vain. I need not worry about the particulars, just that my progress is evident. In what exact direction, however, I'm not exactly sure.

I started a conversation with a relative stranger last night. Perhaps it is of no significance for someone bold enough to talk their way through life, but I should have felt relatively petrified.
I did not.

This semester has taught me, if nothing else, that I will make it on my own. If every ship goes down around me, I will remain above water until my timeless metaphor weighs me down below the surface.
Even then, I think I will be fine.


I will survive.

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