Friday, May 25, 2007


I cannot fathom a world with less sleep than this, and yet, I will have to, starting on Monday.

Sleep is certainly on the bottom of my "frightened to no end" list of Intern Expectations. I've read [almost] every text on improvisation that's revered in one circle or another.

Commercial for "Pirates": It was better than I thought is was going to be, with only a few gaping holes left taking on water. And Depp is still unfathomly not attractive. Talented, certainly; crazy, a bit; attractive, ugh.

I'm intentionally supressing the ginormous fear that Gainesville is going to prove me significantly incompetent and, furthermore, unavoidably unskilled, foolish, teetering on the brink of theatrical insanity [I typed that and I realized how redundant that was. So much for rhetorical expression...].
I should go back to reading. It seems I need all the text I can get.

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