Thursday, May 22, 2003

I enjoy downloading Nathan Lane songs to such an extreme degree...He's so funny...
Also accounting for his status as my Musical Theatre God...
I think I can't count the amount of joy I hold from hearing Nate and Greg singing "I Feel Pretty"...Tee hee! Luckily, there's nothing interesting on the TV God this evening, and so, I will type...
Ooh! Not to mention, Ruben won, and I will never say another thing about American-Crack-Idol again...I'm just proud that there's still some justice in this world...
I don't want to listen to some geek singing...
*Hides her Robbie Williams CDs...*
*And her Jerome Pradon stuff...*
*Guess the Glen Carter songs have to go, too...*
Eeeeks! OK, I give up, let the dorks make music...
*Puts her CDs back up on the desk nonchalantly...*
Last night, instead of the thrilling romp to SAK, we headed over to MGM Studios, and played around for a bit...
-I scared one of the Tower Of Terror workers...
-We rode the Rockin' Roller Coaster seven times in a span of about ten minutes...
-My father lost his hat twice...
-I went to see the Beauty And The Beast Stage Spectacular and had to teach the Beast how to roar...He was like a kitten, holding his paws up in the air and going, "Raw!"...
-I was soaked at Fantasmic...
-We had dinner at the ESPN Sports Zone, and I find myself suddenly craving a cigarette...Must be the plumes of smoke we were forced to sit underneath...
Agg...I'm listening to Tony play Judas, and he sucks...
But I'm trying to be nice about it...
Yeah! I just found a pre-Broadway version of "Sirens"...A La Jolla "Sirens"...

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