Tuesday, May 13, 2003

Lyman News- The Musical
(Our scene begins as the search for a lost spread becomes apparent to the students, and a wary class sponsor demands that the pages be found.)
"Where's the page?"
"What page?"
"Where's that stupid page"
"Which page?"
"My page?"
"Is it her page?"
"Where's her page?"
"Did you do something with Jen's page?"
"I don't have Jen's page."
"Well, who does, then?"
"Who's got the A&E page?
(A hushed silence falls over the newsroom, interrupted only by the sound of my keyboard tapping, and an occasional yawn from the sleeping Kareem. We resume our banter.)
If I don't see that page in two minutes,
Someone is going to fail this semester,
And I'm not kiddin--
Oh. There it is...
OK, then,
Back to work!"
(The end.)

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