Friday, September 22, 2006


I was a patsy.
Actually, I, and several others who purchased books off of (A website which I still adore, mind you.) from a particular seller ("diablosd5", just in case you were wondering.) are all laying wait until we're able to file claims against someone who I will eloquently deem a "dickwad."
Hmm. Something less harsh.
Perhaps, "dork-face?"
Better. Much, much better.
That whole situation is hardly of consequence, however, and I'll probably get my money back as soon as I am able to complain officially to the gods of cheap books.

It's amazing how passive I can be about this. Until recently, I would have been yelling at my computer or shaking babies, or taking some sort of action that would adequately express my rage and frustration over said internet bull. But, the fact of the matter is that I am unequivocally exhausted, overly content with life thus far, and rearing for more petty excitement to fuel my day.

This weekend holds the promise of little rest, a bit of Departmental Proclamation via Campus Visit Day, and possibly, if I'm lucky, some pie.
Pie. Ha.
Chicken nuggets. Salad. Something appetizing.

Fear not, gentle soul. I remain the eternal fat kid.

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