Monday, April 28, 2003

J.C. and character biographies are haunting my thoughts...
By J.C., I do, of course, mean "Julius Caesar", the one play that the entire English department was supposed to read (Meaning, of course, that I'm the only one who actually did so...). I have no regrets, however...I would love to play Brutus at some point in my life...
Maybe I could get Billy to write a female version...
I'm in the middle of 2nd period (Newspaper, A.K.A. the class I do nothing in but read Dave Barry and catch up in my other 6 classes...), and so I'm trying to relax and make myself believe that I'm not really as sick as I feel...
But I am...And I don't want to go to the doctor this afternoon, but if I don't, I think I'll keel over dead...Which isn't too much fun, in total honesty...
Tapping is this week...I don't know which day, and apparently "it's not Thursday" (Which means that Thursday is back on my list of possible days...). I just hope I don't look like crap when they come to give me flowers...I have to be a "Pretty Pretty Princess", right?
I love character biography days simply because I get to pretend to be someone for the whole 6th period, and I get to interact in a whole new way with my peers...I hate character biography days because of the paperwork...The stupid adjectives, the annoying questions, etc...They annoy me to no end, but I must admit, they're helpful for finding out more about the person you're trying to become...
I'm playing a doctor who's channeling a girl's dying grandmother...
And that, my friends, is drama.

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