Tuesday, January 20, 2004


We could be the GERHARDTS too, I suppose...But let's be honest with ourselves...
Give Dick a Chance.
Preview was actually a nice event this evening, and all went rather smoothly, with the exception of my conscience derailing me from viciously murdering The Man Whore and He Who Does Not Speak English on lights and sounds, respectively. Luckily, I will still be at fault in the eyes of The Troll.
And the world is at peace.
[Editor's Note: I'm actually proud of our ensemble piece...It went very smoothly considering the week of non-rehearsal, and apparently it was one of the funnier pieces...Uh, huh.]
I'm beginning to question my insecurities in Lang...Perhaps I'm reading far too much into life in general (Which just so happens to be my underlying theme for this week: "So, You Think Your Life Is All BS. Well, Guess What...You're Correct!" Catchy, huh?), which means that I can just calm down, roll with the non-existent punches, and use my cunning and good looks to coast through life upon.
My conversation with the P-Dawg this morning followed somewhere along the Dressed To Kill "Cake or Death" scene.
"Lit or Death? Lit or Death?"
"Oh, I'll take Death...I mean, Lit!"
"No, you said Death first!"
"But I meant Lit. Really!"
"Oh, alright. Lit it is...We're gonna run out pretty soon. Didn't realize there'd be such a rush for Lit, did we?"
Ahh...Good old Eddie.

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