Wednesday, December 15, 2004


If I have learned anything in the past week, it has been horribly surpassed by these stunning revelations:
-I am surrounded by some of the greatest individuals ever to walk the earth.
-The opposing team is close by.
-Elise can do anything she puts her mind to- like Duke University. GO Blue Devils! (And Elise!)
-Paul Farmer's recommendation letter for me would have to include the statement "I-Robot was a shared experience with Kelley that I will never forget, as we established the correlation between Les Miserables and Will Smith."
-Hanukkah songs are better when sung in rounds.
-A re-write is never a re-write until it is a re-write re-write re-write.
-The only real question is, what is the tragic vision of my existence in relation to my life as a whole?
-Officer Moore is my friend.
-The iPod holds a lot more music than I would have previously assumed. Really.
-Sleep, although hard to get, is a highly underrated thing.
-I'm definitely not a lesbian. Contrary to popular belief, that is.
-Air-conditioner "cold" is absolutely nothing compared to real "cold."
Finally (and of the most dire importance):
-I need a Barry Manilow hoodie for Christmas, Festivus, Kwanzaa, or any other holiday you'd like to throw in. I'm not picky.

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