Monday, April 04, 2005


With multiple deaths and my Glaze Under Fire/Ross From Hell experience on Saturday, I was simply too exhausted to try and compute anything, let alone write up some mindless post about my meager existence.
[Editor's Note: I am rather distraught over the death of John Paul II, and have spent the last few days in some sort of wayward-vigil state of being. It's odd, mind you, but a relative tribute to what I felt he brought the Catholic community at large. He'll be greatly, enormously missed.]
Tomorrow brings THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL FOR THIS WEEK, and the beginning of my State Packing Adventure. Choosing clothing that will be acutely assessed by the most underpaid homosexual actors alive is no small task, and daunting to the ragged, non-girly among us. But, I feel I'm up to the challenge.
I need to go wash out the orange dye in my hair before it all falls out and I find myself earnestly shopping at Wig-Villa come Wednesday afternoon.
Wig-Villa. Sweet.

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