Wednesday, April 06, 2005


I'll be driving to school momentarily so as to embark on the great adventure of State Festival 2005...
God, I love State.
Five days of intensive, high-octane theatre (and some low-grade fuel theatre) that is made better only by the enormous amount of time we spend away from school.
School and I have recognized our differences. They may prove to be irreconcilable, but we're working towards joint custody of the kids and an even 30-70 split.
After all, School was dumb enough to sign the pre-nup.
Stupid School.
If anyone feels like stalking me, head over to and check out our festival program. Not only does it provide a complete record of all that will occur over the weekend, but significantly raises my chances of being abducted against my will.
Good stuff.
Well, I'll check in later via AudioBlogger, and if that fails me, you're screwed.

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