Saturday, September 25, 2004


I am, by nature, a belligerent individual.
"Duh," say the all the citizens of this vast universe.
If, as in some cases, it is absolutely necessary or more productive to look past this trait, I do so.
I cannot understand individuals who find themselves incapable of stepping back when a situation has reached a peak of heightened disorder in which the climax of the scenario threatens to explode at sub-normal degrees.
Confrontation is truly my strongest element.
How delightful life will be when I've no one to reside with but myself and maybe some other subordinate companion. (Not that they'll think they're subordinate, but we all know who will wear the figurative pants in my relationships.)
I need to relax. Meditate. Gather my center of energy into one gigantic, flaming ball of positive-yet-radioactive power.
Ahh. Radioactive argumentation- It's a dream, but a nice dream.
Perhaps it would be better to strive against procreation on my part. I'm pretty twisted.

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