Sunday, May 18, 2003

What can I say? I didn't win "Best Actress" (As if I was going to! Ha! Leah is still alive, and I have to remember that I will never succeed at recognition (Whether deserved or not...=0) untill she's graduated...That is, if I'm a favorite...), and Katherine won THREE of them (Best Techie, Best AD/Rehersal Secretary, and Best Thespian)...I'm so happy for her...She's the only one who really deserved the awards, and so I'm glad that she was finally given her moment in the Lymlight...
But the best part of the evening was Junior Entertainment...It was so funny, and I was laughing harder than I have in a long time...Luckily, Anne doesn't hate me (Completely, that is...) for playing her a bit over-dramatically...
And then, of course, there was Equus on Ice last night at SAK...
I have never, ever in my life experienced something like that show...I was laughing so hard, I was ready to pee. And then again, Toxic Audio and the SAKers made me feel so comfortable and at peace, I wanted to lay down and relax in that nasty red stadium seat...There weren't actual horses, but there was "Horses Ice Skating" protesters (Also known as Brendan and his gang of cohorts in whacky wigs singing made-up horse protest songs, and posters that said things like "SAK= Stable Animal Killers"...It was amazing...)
My favorite moment for the month: Sitting on the end of our row, and having both Rene' and Jeremy sit next to me in the middle of "Stand By Me", as they were singing (And singing to me, if I may add...). It was the most shocking moment, and yet, it was amazingly beautiful...I wanted to leap on both of them and have them sing to me forever...
Ahh...I love Toxic Audio...
(No, I just love Rene'...)
(No, I love Toxic Audio...)
*Editor's Note*-She really does just love Rene'.

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