Tuesday, May 13, 2003

Heh! I was inducted last night...It was a really nice ceremony, complete with mismatched paper table covers, and Whit lighting my candle and then trying to blow it out...Which I was cool with (Even though I hate Whit)...I was ecstatic...And, I got a star...
Chris came with me, and it felt really good to be loved...I needed someone there last night, and who better than my not-so-brother-ish-brother? He took a million pictures, though, and I think my friends have become as attached to him as I am...I can't believe he's leaving in three months...But at least he'll be in state for college...
Dumb Seminole...
I'm still feeling a little sick from last night...The last thing I needed to see was Fr. Derk...And yet, somehow, he managed to annoy me just to the point of throwing a needle at him (Although, the needle was attached to a carnation, so technically, it wasn't going to hurt him...Much...). Then, he told me that he had cooked for the bishop, and I accused him of "looking for another job by way of poison"...
He didn't like that accusation for some strange, odd reason...
He then proceeded to throw the needle-y flower at me...And I ran.
I'm currently NOT doing my job as Business Manager, and I don't really care, honestly. Williams has given me enough crap over the last month, and I, single handedly (With the help of K-Max and NatCos, I add), earned our staff over $300. So...She can go away now.
I'm sitting here, and K-Max has completely fallen asleep on my desk...Fun...I love that kid...He's so funny...But he's not feeling well, so I'm worried...Oh well...
I think I need to memorize my monologue...Dern Backel...

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