Friday, March 18, 2005


I took a very long nap.
I just woke up a moment ago, and to my surprise, none of my Advanced Placement Literature work had done itself for me! What great astonishment I was in as "Digging" lay untouched, unwritten, and even more baffling, unwanted by any member of the human race.
[Editor's Note: Boo-freaking-hoo, Seamus Heaney. Let me know when you write something that doesn't sound more Irish than St. Patrick's Day, okay?]
So, I must take it upon myself to work my freaking end off in order to prepare myself intellectually and mentally for the mother of all Comprehensive Tests.
But I want to go back to sleep. Egad, I am still exhausted.
It's too bad I won't be able to focus in AP Economics tomorrow. Poor Coach Caughell! I should apologize to him at this very instant for not paying attention during his class, taking calls, emailing athletic organiz---
Oh. Wait a second. That's not me; that's Caughell.

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