Saturday, November 05, 2005


Sick. Not sick.
Sick. Not sick.
Sick. Not sick.
I can just see that kangaroo in front of me looking puzzled and saying, "WTF, mate?"
It would just be nice to have a logical explanation in front of me screaming, "here's why, you dumb be-otch! Ha! Ha, ha!"
But no. Nothing. No explanation, no kangaroo. Nothing.
I am, quite obviously, a disturbed individual.
I know that I am over-stressed, but thus far, I've dealt well with it. And in comparison to other individuals, I am HARDLY over-stressed.
I'm not upset- far from it. I'm happy with my situation in life, I'm growing comfortable with the format and daily routine I seem to inhabit, and it's becoming what I guessed it would at some point become.
And then it hits me: Routine. Boredom. Stationary. Three words that do not sit well in the pit of my stomach, churning around with grudge and regret and fear. Fear. I need something different in my life. I crave it.
And this week, I have approached two opportunities for just that- change. Direct, brazen change. Well, not ordinarily so brazen, but certainly brazen for the perpetually-inexperienced Kelley.
Change Number One is personal, unexpected, and still very new. A nice new, mind you, but new nonetheless.
Change Number Two is ambitious, downright disconcerting, and not what I expected from myself, but what others seemed to have expected from me all along. Hence disconcerting. And I think I have no way of pulling myself away from it, as it appears to be the sensible route in my existence thus far.
Change is good, right?

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