Monday, July 12, 2004


We went by Bonbini's Burgers and as some sort of weird trial-process logic, grabbed a menu and sat down.
Luckily for me, the chain is linguistically deprived.
Their version of French Fries are "Pomme Frites," which would be acceptable and dandy, except for the minor factor that separates potatoes and apples. [Editor's Note: Not to mention the fact that the French word, "frites," satisfies fully the idea of French Fries, without the additional vegetable adjective.]
[Editor's Note: Whoops. I mentioned it.]

Apples, of course, fall under the French word "pomme."
Potatoes, which I'm sure they were leaning towards, fall under "pomme de terre."
Poor, moronic fast-food chain.
I heartily enjoyed my potato-ish "fried apples," thank-you-very-much.

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