Monday, July 19, 2004


They were animals.
It was hilarious.
I spent more time laughing this afternoon than I did "pretending to be serious." It was such a relief to see that no one went ballistic or struck into a fit of tears. I could have been bored out of my mind pending other circumstances, but I realized that being bored would waste too much energy.
And I'm rambling. Good.
The surprise of the day was Diocesan Director of Youth Ministry, Tony Maione, showing up in the local grocery store and asking for directions to the funeral parlor. They thought he was insane. I thought he was insane, but that's a whole other story.
And again, I'm rambling.
You have no idea what I'm talking about. And that's okay, because it's my blog, and not yours.
I'm completely and entirely drained from all of the "family interaction time." There are literally twenty-two people randomly entering and exiting the Bellair house as we speak, and the best I can do is sit there on the arm of a couch and wait for the brilliant incompetence to find me on its own.
They're insane. Like Tony, but with a Smith twist. It's almost too much to handle.
For example, we had dinner on Myrtle's tab last night. All eighteen of us. The bill must have been close to $300, but it was okay, because the dead woman was paying.
Morbid? I think so.
But that's my family.
I can't wait to go to college.

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