Wednesday, May 31, 2006


I'm getting sick.
Not physically, although aliments could be discussed in either sense.
I'm sick of being walked all over.
I'm tired of putting out all the effort humanly possible in relationships, only to have them smack me around and force me to doubt that which is good within me.
I'm sick of having my pride dangled in front of my face without the promise of any sort of compensation.
I've finally found another human being who seems to care unconditionally and give out what they've promised, and every other relationship pales in comparison to it. For some reason, Michael has forced me to realize that I deserve so much more than I've ever let myself take from other people. I may be demanding and bossy, but that doesn't mean that what I have to offer counts for anything less than it should.
I refuse to continue to be hurt by people who mean more to me than I seem to mean to them. It has to stop. I deserve so much more than that, and it's taken me a year of growth to really, genuinely realize that.
I refuse to be walked upon any longer.

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