Sunday, September 07, 2003


I would say that my Jack Black fetish as of late is something that's been waiting to come to light for a long time now...I'm just tickled that the only way I happened to get the CD was by way of Casey, the self-proclaimed King Of I Don't Have Any CDs You'd Enjoy...
I cannot comprehend how I managed to recieve the only "A" in the Lang. department...It doesn't make sense to me...But Plyler loves me...And that's just plain exciting...Because that will make me prime for the Lackey position...
We begin auditioning for Footloose and the DIII show this week, and I'm almost positive I'm going to type up a letter for the Costume Coordinator position...I know Warren wants it, but so do I...I think I could do a fantastic job if Backel would just look past the fact that I'll be gone the week of Preview...Maybe I'll mention that I would love to share the position with him so that we have the balance of organization and leadership (Me) with costume knowledge and design expertise (Warrena...The Warrior Prince/Princess...).
That could work.
I'm not sure what to do about Elis...That sounds like an odd statement...It should be "I'm not sure what to do about me..." Because I'm not. I don't even know what's wrong, or if anything is wrong, but I don't feel right...
I guess I just need to take a huge breath, relax, and sit through an hour of mass...

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