Tuesday, September 16, 2003


I'm doing a little "Internet Spring Cleaning"...Here's a blast from the past:
Some of you got the wrong impression from the messages I sent out last night. Some of you *cough, cough, KAREEM, cough* were even kind enough to remind me that you have lives aside from reading my sarcastic commentary.
After several minutes of laughing to myself, falling off the chair, and gasping for breath, I realized that there may be the slightest bit of reality in that statement (I say slight, simply because I personally don't believe it, but am willing to play along with your own little fantisies...).
Therefore, I would like to make a statement so huge, so earthshattering, you may need to change your pull-ups...
Yes, I know you'll all need some form of therapy from this, but I'm willing to front 100 times of whatever this email cost to send out (which is obviously nothing) to pay for the bills.
I'll be back...After my shrink and I have a little talk...

Ahh, the days when I was young and careless and free of any rational thought...
I'll go work on that thought thing.

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