Thursday, August 28, 2003


Not that I'm saying Plyler ignored me this evening, but that's what I'm saying...Too bad I didn't have the nerves to approach him about my essay, or my participation, or any of the other crap that's driving me demonically insane...
Speaking of demonically insane, this seems like it has a likely chance at "Product Of The Year"...
Back to Kelley's I HATE LANG rant...
I don't hate Lang, I just hate the fact that I'm having an enormous amount of trouble with the Lang-ness that surrounds my being at the moment...Maybe, with some helpful Jen-Gerh tutoring and such, I'll be back on my feet soon enough, but for the time being, I just want to move beyond this rediculous feeling of insufficency and doubt...Which means I need to learn how to write...Which I have no rational hope of doing...Nice...
Alright. I have Slurpee blood coursing through my weary veins, a Letter of Scarlet to conquer, and a nonexistant need for sleep...My life is currently set.
Oooh. Forgot to mention- I'm on speaking terms with Emerson.
When does life start making sense?

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