Monday, July 14, 2003


Agg! I vowed not to talk about what I accomplished this weekend, yet I've found such ironic situations and thoughts, that I'm bursting at the seams to tell someone who will eventually know what I know as a result of sight...
NCYC, that is...
Ugg...No one in the world could possibly understand what that meant. Or means...Even I'm not sure...
All I know is that as much as I was mystified by Chris Spaz-a-razza's help, he was making stuff up...
Oh! You don't know about him either!
Allow me to explain:
I met a few fantasmically amazing people this weekend while we were in the lovely/dry/boring/nice city of Houston, Texas for the NCYC Animators program...
-Maureen Dowd (I think that's her last name...): Director of NCYC, quick typer, fast thinker, and woman-that-loves-her-chicken-fried-steak-and-chocolate-mousse...
-Chris Spaz-a-razza (I know that's not his last name...): Actor, singer, dancer, piano player, and most importantly, Phil from the production of Hercules that I saw on the Disney cruise ship three/four years ago (And sat through Unbreakable next to in the movie theatre onboard, never realizing that we would again meet, not to mention that he was Catholic...)
-John (I don't even know his last name...): Liturgical director, driver's-permit-stealer, all around funny man, and "a Sagitarius who likes long walks on the beach"...
Out of these three, I can't decide who the most insane was, but Chris was definately the loudest (As any of my six "Special Speaking Friends" can attest to as we listened to him bellow through the walls...). Of course, there were quite a few more people that made up the four days, but those were the three I, personally, saw the most of...
I think I'll try and write a bit more a little later on, as in after my computer stops making funky noises and beeps that sound like "Kill Me Now, Kelley!"...

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