Saturday, July 26, 2003


Ohh...So very sore...
Well, I've officially been sleepless for the last five nights...At least I got to play a little bit of basketball last night...We stayed at "The Facility" in Sanford, and besides the cute bass gituarist, it relatively sucked...But not horribly...Just not the optimal lock-in spot...
Uggh...I need a personal chiropractor, preferably one that models Antonio Banderas to a shockingly similar degree...Hmm...Antonio...How I've missed thinking of you...
I've been listening to Hairspray and Nine for the last few days, and so all I'm thinking about is Harvey Firestein and Antonio...Which is not a bad thing if you have no life and/or responsibilities...Which is untrue of my own situation, except for the fact that I don't have a life, which is uncanilly true...And seeing as I'm back in school almost a week from now, I have an immensely great amount of work to complete, and that...How do I put it nicely?...Sucks.
And I still need a back rub...
Grr...Where's Tony when you need him?

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